- Accurate Kohn-Sham auxiliary system from the ground state density of solids, arxiv:2207.03919, A. Aouina, M. Gatti, S. Chen, S. Zhang and L. Reining.
- Connector theory for reusing model results to determine materials properties, npj Computational Materials (2022), M. Vanzini, A. Aouina, M. Panholzer, M. Gatti and L. Reining.
- Strategies to build functionals of the density, or functionals of Green’s functions: what can we learn?, A. Aouina, M. Gatti and L. Reining, Faraday Discussions (2020).
I have presented my research at the following conferences, workshops and seminars:
- APS March Meeting, online, 2021 (Oral presentation).
- The RJP conference for young physicists, Paris, 2019 (Poster).
- The 24th ETSF Workshop on Electronic Excitations Jena, 2019 (Oral presentation).
- The CECAM Workshop on Density Functional Theory Lausanne, 2019 (Poster).
- The ETSF Correlation Team Meeting, Palaiseau, 2018 (Oral presentation).
- The 23th ETSF Workshop on Electronic Excitations Milan, 2018 (Poster).